I am a fully qualified counsellor and psychotherapist, and I am registered as transpersonal psychotherapist with the UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP), my accrediting body.

I gained my accreditation with UKCP after completing 5 years of training – a foundation course followed by a 4-year PG diploma course in Counselling and Psychotherapy, at the Centre for Counselling and Psychotherapy Education (CCPE) in London. The diploma itself is accredited with both the UKCP and the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy). The UKCP and the BACP are the two main bodies which provide guidelines and industry approved accreditation for training and professionals in the fields of Psychotherapy and Counselling.

At the CCPE I also completed a one-year training for a Diploma in Couple Counselling and Psychotherapy. I also hold a Certificate in Psychosexual Studies from the Tavistock Centre for Couple Relationships.

Out of personal interest, I have also completed two modules of the MA programme in Jungian and Post-Jungian studies at the University of Essex – these are purely academic studies and not professionally training courses. I found them very informative on the origin of depth psychology/psychotherapy and on the Jungian understanding of the concept of the unconscious, which has greatly contributed to my psychotherapeutic approach.

In all my therapeutic work, I abide by the UKCP’s Ethical Principles and Code of Professional Conduct.


I follow an integrative-transpersonal approach which draws on different therapeutic models to suit the specific needs and personality of each client. This approach also helps to explore issues from very different angles, enriching the therapeutic process and keeping it open to new discoveries and possibilities. The different schools of thought that inform my practice are:


looks at the interplay between the conscious and unconscious mind, with a focus on the influence of early life experiences on the present.


focuses on the here-and-now and on the communication between therapist and client, to help the individual develop a healthier sense of self.


explores how we make sense of our existence (why? what for?) and looks into how we can bring meaning to our lives.


reflects on how a person can transcend the limits of their personal ego and get in touch with their inner wisdom, especially through creative imagination, to bring forgotten and newly discovered qualities into our lives.


looks at how patterns and traumas can be transmitted from one generation to the next and what we might be unconsciously carrying from our family of origin.

Cognitive-behavioural (CBT)

analyses negative thought patterns and teaches the individual practical techniques which introduce new ways of thinking and therefore positive patterns.

I adopt a holistic view of the individual, meaning that we will not only use techniques which involve words and talking, but also dreamwork, images (e.g. visualisations), drawings and body awareness. The techniques we adopt in each session will depend on the issue presented and will always be discussed and agreed with you first.

Whatever emerges or is presented in the sessions is met with respect and understanding. One of my golden rules is in fact “meet the person where they are physically, emotionally, and spiritually”. This respect, together with a sense of trust, integrity, safety and warmth, is fundamental to creating a sound relationship between therapist and client, which is an invaluable tool on The Road to Yourself.


During my training and in my private practice I have gained experience in my areas of interest and specialism by working short-term and long-term with people coming from the most varied social and cultural background. This experience, combined with previous studies in cross-cultural communication, has refined my capacity to meet and be attuned to different ways of thinking and interpreting reality.

I believe that no matter who you are or where you live, where you come from or what you do, life will present you with “tasks”, which are opportunities to expand your sense of self. These tasks will be yours only and no-one else’s. This is why I treat each individual’s history as completely unique. My training and experience informs me in very useful ways of course. But, ultimately, you will guide your therapy. It is like the difference between having a compass, and knowing the territory. I might be the one with the compass, but you are the one that knows the territory inside and out. So together, we will explore where that road – the Road to Yourself – leads.